Labels:book | bulletin board | dog | door | newspaper | person | poster | sky | tabloid | tie OCR: AIDE -DE "CAMP DEPT Everybody's going wild over that new TV show featuring "The Caped Crusader and his teenage side kick But has anvone ever wondered what woule really be like as the side-l kic of "Caped Crusader"? Would typical red-blooded teenage boy really hr happy dressing some far-out costume and spending all of his free time chasing all crooks' Or would he munh prefer dressing in chinos and go-go boots and spending 0 his free chicks? We at MAD think the "latter! In fact, we're ready to prove it Liers take MAD look "Boy Wonderful" he is slowly being driven BATS-MAr This Bats-Man You sest Meanwhile, Wilsen High School You'v lot of efve Satueda pure prrre